
Good morning!   41 and Sunny   :)

BOXES was a cluster last night.  Ustream was not cooperating.   The Ustream servers kept going down.  We only managed to open 4 boxes before Ustream went down for the umpteenth time.    Thank goodness it appears to be working again this morning.  We are in the FIV+ room today.  We WILL be doing boxes tonight.

Paul says THANK YOU for the gifts from our Amazon wish list!!
Thank you Marjorie Jolin for the food!
Thank you unnamed for the better life cleaner!
Thank you Kevin Kendall for the senior litter!
Thank you Maureen Marchand for the dishwashing soap!

VOTING,  Plus a NEW Contest!

DAILY (category LARGE RESCUE Shelter, Blind Cat )

Thank you for helping the cats!! Please like & share

Urinary Tract Problems in Cats
by Jill Anne Sparapany

Please read the symptoms,  it could save your cats life!

Any condition affecting the proper passage of urine in cats that occurs from the bladder to outside the body through the urethra is called Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD). The root cause should be determined so proper treatment can relief the cat’s pain and distress.

You may observe frequent or painful urination, blood in the urine or frequent licking of the urinary opening by your cat.

Causes of FLUTD:
Stones, crystals or debris accumulation in the bladder or urethra
Urethral blockage, accumulation of debris from urine
Bladder inflammation or infection
Incontinence from weak bladder or excessive water intake
Injury to the urinary tract
Cancerous tumors blocking passage of urine
Spinal cord problems or injury
Congenital abnormalities
**  Endocrine diseases, i.e. hyperthyroidism or diabetes mellitus, can cause lower urinary
     tract problems in cats.                          
If a cause cannot be determined, the diagnosis is cystitis (bladder inflammation)

Male cats are more prone to urethral blockages due to narrower urethras.
FLUTD is not seen in cats younger than one year of age; the average age is usually four years old. It may also occur in elderly and obese cats.

Signs of FLUTD:
Inability to urinate or passing small amounts of urine
Bloody or cloudy urine
Incontinence, loss of bladder control or dribbling urine
Frequent urination or visits to the litter box
Straining and/or crying in pain when trying to pass urine
Prolonged squatting in the litter box.
Fear or avoidance of litter box and urinating outside the box
Constant licking of urinary opening
Strong odor of ammonia in urine
Increased water consumption
Hard, distended abdomen (full bladder)

Any straining or crying in pain while trying to urinate requires immediate veterinarian attention!
Untreated urinary problems can cause partial or complete urethral obstruction, preventing the cat from passing urine. These symptoms may be medical emergencies!
If not treated immediately, these may lead to kidney failure and/or bladder rupture and may be fatal for your cat.

Urinary stones are rock-hard mineral collections formed in the urinary tract. Two types of stones are the most common: Struvite and calcium oxalate. Presence of urinary stones can be confirmed by x-ray or ultrasound studies. Treatment depends upon the composition of the stone.

A complete physical exam, urinalysis possibly with urine culture, and serum labs should be done.

Struvite stones are treated by special diet to dissolve the stones; if they are not dissolved, surgical removal is necessary. Calcium oxalate stones cannot be dissolved. Stones may pass by flushing the bladder with sterile fluids. If they do not pass, surgical removal is needed. In a cystotomy, the surgery to remove bladder stones, a small incision is made in the abdomen, the bladder is lifted into view, opened and stones are removed.
Cats that have formed urinary stones have high risk of recurrence. Medication and diet changes may be recommended by your vet to prevent future stone formation.

Urethral obstructions, partial or complete, are potentially life-threatening. Urethral obstruction is a true medical emergency, and any cat suspected of suffering from this condition must receive immediate veterinary attention. When the urethra is completely blocked, the kidneys are no longer able to remove toxins from the blood and maintain a proper balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body. If the obstruction is not relieved, the cat will eventually lose consciousness and die. Death most frequently occurs as a result of electrolyte imbalances, which ultimately cause heart failure. The time from complete obstruction until death may be less than twenty-four to forty-eight hours, so immediate treatment is essential.

Treatment of FLUTD: The causes are potentially critical to your cat’s health and the first treatment is to get emergent veterinary care. Depending upon the prognosis, treatment may be:
Antibiotics or other medications
Dietary changes
Increased water intake
Urinary acidifiers
Expelling small stones through the urethra
Surgery to remove bladder stones or tumor
Surgery to correct congenital abnormality
Urinary catheter or surgery to remove urethral blockage in male cats
Fluid therapy

Home care recommendations by the Cornell Feline Health Center, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine are:
Feed small meals on frequent basis
For cats with history of struvite formation, feed diets that promote the formation of acidic urine. Most commercial diets meet this criteria. Avoid supplementing diet with urinary acidifiers because over-acidification can cause metabolic acidosis, impaired kidney function and mineral imbalances.
Provide clean, fresh water at all times.
Provide adequate number of litter boxes – usually one more than the number of cats in the household.
Keep litter boxes in quiet, safe areas.
Keep litter boxes clean.
Minimize major changes in routine (to reduce stress).


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